What are we talking about?

I think all of us at some point have experienced firsthand some of these setbacks when accessing a gated complex:

The main one is to be able to get to a gated complex or HOA and have no contact with anything or anyone, handing out IDs or playing devices or keyboards, thus avoiding the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus.

1.- Having to make long lines to enter a gated residential or business complex.

2.- The person in front of you is taking their time in giving their ID to security personnel.

3.- You forget the Street number of the place you are visiting and when you call the person who lives or Works there, they do not answer. This causes the rest of the people behind you to be late even more so than they already are, and of course, this is after you have been in their same position.

4.- When you tell the guard on duty the address and name of the person you are visiting, they cannot reach them at the phone number registered on file.

5.- You work at this gated complex, and are inevitably late to your job for how long this process takes.

6.- You work in real estate and are showing someone a place in this community, and you have already made a bad impression for how slow the lines move and how long it takes to access the property you are about to show them.

7.- You are part of the board in any of these residences and it is your job to Audit the specific dates and times in which a suspicious person entered the complex, ultimately sinking you in a lot of paperwork to no avail.

If you have experienced any of these instances, we have good news for you: very soon, a new tool will be available for you and everyone affected: LET ME ACCESS.

LET ME ACCESS is a state-of-the-art mobile app supported by a strong server and database platform.

This innovative concept was created because of the need to improve access control to residential or business complexes, or any gated community, for that matter, through a fast, user-friendly app that allows all users of this great invention to obtain the benefits no other tool can provide. A system that, not only gives security and ease of access to your home, but also improves the quality of life in your community.

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